Whole Class Instrumental Teaching
Woodcroft Primary School, North London
Goldbeaters Grove, Burnt Oak, Edgware HA8 0QF
Monday 11th January 2016
Caitlin Sherring and Woodcroft Primary School were the recipients of the MMA sponsored Music Department Award at the 2015 Music Teacher Awards and we are very pleased to be joining them in January. Please take this opportunity to visit Woodcroft, meet Caitlin and take advantage of the training on offer.

9.30 Registration and coffee
9.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Ocarina Workshop session
11.30 Coffee
12.00 Open Forum on class instrumental teaching and Woodcroft concert
13.00 Lunch
13.30 Associated Board Music Medals Training (including qualification) ABRSM
15.30 Finish

Cost: £60 (MMA members) and £75 (non MMA members)
– The day will be free to teachers from the Barnet Hub (BEAT)
– The day will be free for Instrumental Teachers (VMT).
Please tell your colleagues.
We require all attendees to register, using the button below.