This page will be updated regularly as speakers and sessions for our 2025 conference are confirmed.

Liz Dunbar

Creator and curator of

Liz is a Music Education Specialist with 32 years experience of leading state secondary school Music departments.  She has an unwavering belief in providing high quality learning opportunities for all students regardless of their starting point or background.  Her approach to curriculum design has led to a number of collaborations with multi academy trusts, individual schools and the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain.

Liz is a Music Teachers’ Association committee member and regular contributor to the MTA magazine ‘Ensemble’. She also writes for Music Teacher Magazine and her chapter in the book ‘Huh’, published by John Catt Educational, offers an insight into the thinking and processes that shape a meaningful secondary music curriculum.

After 20 years at Huntington School in York (@huntschoolmusic), she left full time teaching, in order to develop her consultation work and launch a new secondary music teaching resources website:

Mark Aitchison

MTA Committee member (Treasurer)

Mark currently teaches in a High School in Worcestershire, whilst also lecturing in Music Education at the University of Reading. At UoR Mark is lead tutor for the PGCE Secondary Music programme, and teaches across the Primary Education programmes. He is also currently studying for a PhD in Music Education.