The Power of Music to Change Lives: A National Plan for Music Education (NPME) builds on the original 2011 plan ‘responding to the change of the past 11 years and recognising that more needs to be done to support teachers, leaders, schools, trusts and Hubs to deliver the best for children and young people’.
There is clear recognition of the importance of schools in providing music opportunities in and out of the classroom, and identifies these key common features of high-quality music provision in schools. The DfE would like to see offered in every school:
- Timetabled curriculum of at least one hour each week of the school year for key stages 1-3
- Access to lessons across a range of instruments, and voice
- A school choir and/or vocal ensemble
- A school ensemble/band/group
- Space for rehearsals and individual practice
- A termly school performance
- Opportunity to enjoy live performance at least once a year
This self-evaluation tool is designed to be used by primary and secondary teachers, and school leaders, as they review their own provision, identify areas for development and celebrate excellent work. The aim of this tool is to support these teachers in their valuable work, so that children and young people get the best possible music education, harnessing the power of music to change lives.
National Plan for Music Education: June 2023
In this latest webinar, Catherine Barker looks at creating development plans ahead of September.
Watch the recording of our event from 26 September as Catherine Barker discusses what’s next for Secondary Schools and how to implement the self evaluation tools.
Watch the recording of our event from 27 September as Catherine Barker discusses what’s next for Primary Schools and how to implement the self evaluation tools.