Uppingham School (8/10/15)

Thursday 8th October 2015 – Uppingham School, Rutland With Professor George Caird, former Principal of Birmingham Conservatoire (http://www.georgecaird.co.uk) and an academic panel outlining the new specifications for GCSE and GCE ‘A’ level exams. 10.30 Arrival/coffee 11.00 Session 1: Professor George Caird ‘Inspiring Young Musicians to Excel’ 13.00 Lunch 14.00 Session 2: Chief examiners outlining the new specifications…

Recent Jobs & Opportunities

MMA members receive a monthly e*bulletin with news, INSET, jobs and opportunities. Here are a few highlights from recent emails. Exciting Gap Student opportunity working in the Music Department at Westminster School. https://www.westminster.org.uk/job/music-department-gap-student   ISM free webinar for Primary Music Come and join the conversation about primary music teaching – register for our free webinar with Musical…

RSCM Summer Course

MMA President Tansy Castledine is Director for this year’s RSCM Summer Course Monday 17 – Sunday 23 August 2015 Kingswood School, Bath BA1 5RG Director: Tansy Castledine Age restriction: Entering school year 4 to age 24 Price: £410 (sorry, all discounted ‘early bird’ places have now been taken!) Booking deadline: 8 June 2015 This popular…